Proposed 2023-24 Budget

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Consultation has concluded

Mansfield Shire Council adopted the 2023-24 Budget at its Ordinary Council Meeting held Tuesday 27 June 2023. A copy of the adopted budget can be found at

Community members are invited to consider the Proposed 2023-24 Budget.

The budget outlines what Council will deliver over the next 12 months including new initiatives and core services and how they will be funded.

You can view the Proposed 2023-24 Budget on the right hand side of this page under Budget Documents. If you require a physical copy of the proposed budget, please contact Council by phone on 03 5775 8555 to request that a print copy be made available for collection. 

Submissions will be accepted up to 5:00 pm on Wednesday 7 June 2023.

Highlights of the Proposed Budget 2022-23 

The 2023-24 budget proposes a 3.5% rate increase, in line with the State Government Rate Cap with a total operating expenditure of $25 million and a $15.58 million Capital Works Program.

Key Infrastructure Projects

The key infrastructure projects include in the Proposed 2023-24 Budget are:

  • Upgrades to Highton Lane and sealing of Rifle Butts Road – IMPACT Route Year 1 works 
  • Mansfield Station Precinct – new Heritage Museum Building Stage 1 construction and Pump Track design 
  • Mt Buller Service Road upgrade and improved carparking 
  • Heavy Vehicle Alternate Route (HVAR) Stage 2 completion (completion of upgrades to Greenvale Lane, Mt Battery Road and Dead Horse Lane) 
  • Lords Reserve Pavilion (over two financial years) and Lords Oval drainage (subject to funding applications)
  • Lords Reserve Public Toilet upgrade 
  • Mansfield Emergency Services Precinct – allocation for Resilience Centre design and construction (subject to external grant funding) 
  • Bonnie Doon Recreation Reserve and Community Hall Masterplan 
  • Merton Recreational Reserve - Public Toilet facilities renewal 
  • Pedestrian safety improvements - Monkey Gully Road, Malcolm Street, and Goughs Bay township 
  • Streetscape renewal works in Jamieson and Mansfield High Street (design works). 
  • Purchase of land for vehicle access to new High St carpark from Collopy St, Mansfield 
  • Connection of services and sale of land at Lot 1, 141 Lakins Road, Mansfield 
  • LED Street Lights and Solar Panels on Field Services Depot (Climate Action Plan). 
  • Street Tree Planting Program. 
  • Continued expenditure on stormwater, bridges and culverts to address identified flooding issues, and complete assessment and design works for large culverts including Graves Road. 
  • Extensive program of road network maintenance and renewal, including reconstruction and design works for Buttercup Road, Merrijig and township sealing works in Gough’s Bay (Gough’s Cres and Katherine Street). 

New Initiatives

In addition to the planned delivery of services, Council will invest in new service initiatives to support our growing community including: 

  • Continuation of the Outlying Communities Infrastructure Grant, with an increase from $50,000 to $75,000 providing opportunities for our outlying community groups to apply for funds to improve community infrastructure. 
  • Increasing Library opening hours and programs in the newly refurbished Library. 
  • Providing increased Field Services resources to improve fire access tracks, expand street sweeping services and enable completion of in-house road renewal works.
  • Extension of the Community Connections role until June 2024 to provide support following the relinquishment of Home and Community Care Services to Mansfield District Hospital. 
  • Additional permanent full time Statutory Planning Officer to improve service provision and timelines for planning permits.
  • Delivery of an expanded Strategic Planning Program including strategic plans for Gough’s Bay and the Delatite Valley.
  • Purchase of kitchen caddies in preparation for the rollout of new FOGO (green waste) service in July 2024.
  • Events program to support new events to the Shire including the Mansfield Holden Nationals and increased support for community events.
  • Regional Collaborative Digital Program to provide upgraded and more effective IT services across the 4 councils, improving planning and customer service capability. 
  • Implementation of new software to improve carbon emissions tracking and reporting. 
  • Expanded tree inspection resources and management program with an in-house arborist.
  • Digitisation program for building and septic files to eliminate risk of loss of manual records

Waste Charge 

Council’s costs to transport, process and dispose of waste and recycling have increased significantly over recent years. Since 2019-20 the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) landfill levy has increased from $33.03 per tonne to $62.95 per tonne in 2022-23. 

These cost increases have had a significant impact on Council’s recovery of waste service costs. This together with increases in fuel and kerbside collection costs for our growing community means that Council is proposing to increase the waste charge for households in 2023-24.

The majority of ratepayers have a 120L kerbside rubbish bin and currently pay $495; this cost will increase by approximately 9% in 2023-24. The proposed cost is comparable to waste service charges at neighbouring councils.

Below is a breakdown of what households will pay dependant on their landfill bin size:

  • Kerbside rubbish collection - 80L bin: $447.80
  • Kerbside rubbish collection - 120L bin: $541.47
  • Kerbside rubbish collection - 240L bin: $822.46

Response to Community Consultation

Council ran a community consultation from 20 January – 17 February prior to the preparation of the Budget in which 102 submissions were received. Council has listened to the community in developing the proposed Budget 2023/24, to include:

  • Increased Library hours and programs.
  • Infrastructure upgrades at Lord’s Oval. 
  • Support for feasibility study for a year-round aquatic facility (partnering with the YAFM committee). 
  • Woods Point emergency beacon (already delivered).
  • Road reseals and upgrades including an upgrade of the Mt Buller service road, further works on Buttercup Road, and selected roads in the Gough’s Bay township.
  • Upgrade of Highton Lane and sealing of Rifle Butts Road.
  • Toilet block upgrade at Lords Reserve and Merton.
  • Various streetscape, footpath and open space upgrades. 

Proposed Rating Differentials

The Proposed 2023-24 Budget includes revised rating differentials as follows:

Type or Class of Land2023/24 cents/$CIVDifferential Rate
General rate for rateable residential properties
General rate for rateable commercial properties
General rate for rateable vacant land
General rate for rateable rural residential properties
General rate for rateable farmland

How You Can Be Involved

Community Forums

Mansfield Shire residents and ratepayers are invited to attend a community budget information session to be facilitated by Councillors and senior officers regarding the Proposed 2023-24 Budget as follows:

Mansfield: Council Chambers - 33 Highett Street, Mansfield
Wednesday 31 May 2023, 5.00pm
Online via ZoomWednesday 31 May 2023, 6.30pm

To attend either of the above information sessions you must register your attendance via email at, or call 5775 8555.

Ask a Question

You can ask a question about the Proposed Budget at the bottom of this page. Council will endeavour to answer questions each day during the working week.

The opportunity to ask a question will close at 5:00pm on 7 June 2023.

*Note that questions are not "submissions" and will not be presented to Council for consideration.


Ratepayers and members of the community are welcomed to make a submission to the Proposed 2023-24 Budget.

Submissions can be made via the Make a Submission tab at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, submissions can be delivered by either of the following methods:

Submissions delivered by email or post must be clearly identified as such and made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Kirsten Alexander. 

All written submissions are public documents and will form part of a report to Council. 

All submissions must be received by Council no later than 5:00pm 7 June 2023 Council is not obliged to consider any submissions received after this time.

What Happens Next?

The opportunity to ask a question or make a submission will close at 5:00pm on 7 June 2023

Council will deliver and adopt the final Budget 2023-24 at the Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 27 June 2023.

Mansfield Shire Council adopted the 2023-24 Budget at its Ordinary Council Meeting held Tuesday 27 June 2023. A copy of the adopted budget can be found at

Community members are invited to consider the Proposed 2023-24 Budget.

The budget outlines what Council will deliver over the next 12 months including new initiatives and core services and how they will be funded.

You can view the Proposed 2023-24 Budget on the right hand side of this page under Budget Documents. If you require a physical copy of the proposed budget, please contact Council by phone on 03 5775 8555 to request that a print copy be made available for collection. 

Submissions will be accepted up to 5:00 pm on Wednesday 7 June 2023.

Highlights of the Proposed Budget 2022-23 

The 2023-24 budget proposes a 3.5% rate increase, in line with the State Government Rate Cap with a total operating expenditure of $25 million and a $15.58 million Capital Works Program.

Key Infrastructure Projects

The key infrastructure projects include in the Proposed 2023-24 Budget are:

  • Upgrades to Highton Lane and sealing of Rifle Butts Road – IMPACT Route Year 1 works 
  • Mansfield Station Precinct – new Heritage Museum Building Stage 1 construction and Pump Track design 
  • Mt Buller Service Road upgrade and improved carparking 
  • Heavy Vehicle Alternate Route (HVAR) Stage 2 completion (completion of upgrades to Greenvale Lane, Mt Battery Road and Dead Horse Lane) 
  • Lords Reserve Pavilion (over two financial years) and Lords Oval drainage (subject to funding applications)
  • Lords Reserve Public Toilet upgrade 
  • Mansfield Emergency Services Precinct – allocation for Resilience Centre design and construction (subject to external grant funding) 
  • Bonnie Doon Recreation Reserve and Community Hall Masterplan 
  • Merton Recreational Reserve - Public Toilet facilities renewal 
  • Pedestrian safety improvements - Monkey Gully Road, Malcolm Street, and Goughs Bay township 
  • Streetscape renewal works in Jamieson and Mansfield High Street (design works). 
  • Purchase of land for vehicle access to new High St carpark from Collopy St, Mansfield 
  • Connection of services and sale of land at Lot 1, 141 Lakins Road, Mansfield 
  • LED Street Lights and Solar Panels on Field Services Depot (Climate Action Plan). 
  • Street Tree Planting Program. 
  • Continued expenditure on stormwater, bridges and culverts to address identified flooding issues, and complete assessment and design works for large culverts including Graves Road. 
  • Extensive program of road network maintenance and renewal, including reconstruction and design works for Buttercup Road, Merrijig and township sealing works in Gough’s Bay (Gough’s Cres and Katherine Street). 

New Initiatives

In addition to the planned delivery of services, Council will invest in new service initiatives to support our growing community including: 

  • Continuation of the Outlying Communities Infrastructure Grant, with an increase from $50,000 to $75,000 providing opportunities for our outlying community groups to apply for funds to improve community infrastructure. 
  • Increasing Library opening hours and programs in the newly refurbished Library. 
  • Providing increased Field Services resources to improve fire access tracks, expand street sweeping services and enable completion of in-house road renewal works.
  • Extension of the Community Connections role until June 2024 to provide support following the relinquishment of Home and Community Care Services to Mansfield District Hospital. 
  • Additional permanent full time Statutory Planning Officer to improve service provision and timelines for planning permits.
  • Delivery of an expanded Strategic Planning Program including strategic plans for Gough’s Bay and the Delatite Valley.
  • Purchase of kitchen caddies in preparation for the rollout of new FOGO (green waste) service in July 2024.
  • Events program to support new events to the Shire including the Mansfield Holden Nationals and increased support for community events.
  • Regional Collaborative Digital Program to provide upgraded and more effective IT services across the 4 councils, improving planning and customer service capability. 
  • Implementation of new software to improve carbon emissions tracking and reporting. 
  • Expanded tree inspection resources and management program with an in-house arborist.
  • Digitisation program for building and septic files to eliminate risk of loss of manual records

Waste Charge 

Council’s costs to transport, process and dispose of waste and recycling have increased significantly over recent years. Since 2019-20 the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) landfill levy has increased from $33.03 per tonne to $62.95 per tonne in 2022-23. 

These cost increases have had a significant impact on Council’s recovery of waste service costs. This together with increases in fuel and kerbside collection costs for our growing community means that Council is proposing to increase the waste charge for households in 2023-24.

The majority of ratepayers have a 120L kerbside rubbish bin and currently pay $495; this cost will increase by approximately 9% in 2023-24. The proposed cost is comparable to waste service charges at neighbouring councils.

Below is a breakdown of what households will pay dependant on their landfill bin size:

  • Kerbside rubbish collection - 80L bin: $447.80
  • Kerbside rubbish collection - 120L bin: $541.47
  • Kerbside rubbish collection - 240L bin: $822.46

Response to Community Consultation

Council ran a community consultation from 20 January – 17 February prior to the preparation of the Budget in which 102 submissions were received. Council has listened to the community in developing the proposed Budget 2023/24, to include:

  • Increased Library hours and programs.
  • Infrastructure upgrades at Lord’s Oval. 
  • Support for feasibility study for a year-round aquatic facility (partnering with the YAFM committee). 
  • Woods Point emergency beacon (already delivered).
  • Road reseals and upgrades including an upgrade of the Mt Buller service road, further works on Buttercup Road, and selected roads in the Gough’s Bay township.
  • Upgrade of Highton Lane and sealing of Rifle Butts Road.
  • Toilet block upgrade at Lords Reserve and Merton.
  • Various streetscape, footpath and open space upgrades. 

Proposed Rating Differentials

The Proposed 2023-24 Budget includes revised rating differentials as follows:

Type or Class of Land2023/24 cents/$CIVDifferential Rate
General rate for rateable residential properties
General rate for rateable commercial properties
General rate for rateable vacant land
General rate for rateable rural residential properties
General rate for rateable farmland

How You Can Be Involved

Community Forums

Mansfield Shire residents and ratepayers are invited to attend a community budget information session to be facilitated by Councillors and senior officers regarding the Proposed 2023-24 Budget as follows:

Mansfield: Council Chambers - 33 Highett Street, Mansfield
Wednesday 31 May 2023, 5.00pm
Online via ZoomWednesday 31 May 2023, 6.30pm

To attend either of the above information sessions you must register your attendance via email at, or call 5775 8555.

Ask a Question

You can ask a question about the Proposed Budget at the bottom of this page. Council will endeavour to answer questions each day during the working week.

The opportunity to ask a question will close at 5:00pm on 7 June 2023.

*Note that questions are not "submissions" and will not be presented to Council for consideration.


Ratepayers and members of the community are welcomed to make a submission to the Proposed 2023-24 Budget.

Submissions can be made via the Make a Submission tab at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, submissions can be delivered by either of the following methods:

Submissions delivered by email or post must be clearly identified as such and made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Kirsten Alexander. 

All written submissions are public documents and will form part of a report to Council. 

All submissions must be received by Council no later than 5:00pm 7 June 2023 Council is not obliged to consider any submissions received after this time.

What Happens Next?

The opportunity to ask a question or make a submission will close at 5:00pm on 7 June 2023

Council will deliver and adopt the final Budget 2023-24 at the Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 27 June 2023.

Consultation has concluded
  • You can submit as many questions as you like
  • We will endeavour to respond to your question provided:
    • it is a question that relates to the proposed 2023-24 Budget, and;
    • it is a question that we can reasonably be expected to provide the answer to.
  • If your question has already been asked and answered, we may direct you to the relevant question in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of Engage Mansfield portal.
  • Your question may be published on the website via the portal and in a weekly summary on Council's Facebook page.  If published, your question will not include any identifying elements or personal details you may have included;  it will be a generic version of your question.
  • A "question" is not a "submission".  In addition to questions during the exhibition period, we also welcome formal submissions to the Budget.  A formal submission can be made in support or opposition of anything in relation to the Budget.  Please hit the "Make a Submission" button on the Engage Mansfield portal.

Thank you for participating in the 2023-24 Budget process.

  • Share Dear Councillors, Charging to use sports facilities will have a significant impact on community sports clubs. The cost of living is already rapidly rising, families are struggling to pay for food and housing. If sports clubs have to pay extra charges, the cost will be passed on to families, many will not be able to afford the extra costs. Mansfield already has a high proportion of pre-obese or obese adults compared to the Victorian average. If fees go up many families will have to stop their children from playing sport which will only increase obesity levels. As part of the Shire’s municipal public health and wellbeing action plan the strategies include ‘Promote opportunities for people to be physically active in the community’ and ‘Enhance the built environment and council assets to enable people to be physically active’, charging fees to use community sports facilities goes against both these strategies. I hope you will reconsider these fees and charges. Kind regards, Jessica Cios on Facebook Share Dear Councillors, Charging to use sports facilities will have a significant impact on community sports clubs. The cost of living is already rapidly rising, families are struggling to pay for food and housing. If sports clubs have to pay extra charges, the cost will be passed on to families, many will not be able to afford the extra costs. Mansfield already has a high proportion of pre-obese or obese adults compared to the Victorian average. If fees go up many families will have to stop their children from playing sport which will only increase obesity levels. As part of the Shire’s municipal public health and wellbeing action plan the strategies include ‘Promote opportunities for people to be physically active in the community’ and ‘Enhance the built environment and council assets to enable people to be physically active’, charging fees to use community sports facilities goes against both these strategies. I hope you will reconsider these fees and charges. Kind regards, Jessica Cios on Twitter Share Dear Councillors, Charging to use sports facilities will have a significant impact on community sports clubs. The cost of living is already rapidly rising, families are struggling to pay for food and housing. If sports clubs have to pay extra charges, the cost will be passed on to families, many will not be able to afford the extra costs. Mansfield already has a high proportion of pre-obese or obese adults compared to the Victorian average. If fees go up many families will have to stop their children from playing sport which will only increase obesity levels. As part of the Shire’s municipal public health and wellbeing action plan the strategies include ‘Promote opportunities for people to be physically active in the community’ and ‘Enhance the built environment and council assets to enable people to be physically active’, charging fees to use community sports facilities goes against both these strategies. I hope you will reconsider these fees and charges. Kind regards, Jessica Cios on Linkedin Email Dear Councillors, Charging to use sports facilities will have a significant impact on community sports clubs. The cost of living is already rapidly rising, families are struggling to pay for food and housing. If sports clubs have to pay extra charges, the cost will be passed on to families, many will not be able to afford the extra costs. Mansfield already has a high proportion of pre-obese or obese adults compared to the Victorian average. If fees go up many families will have to stop their children from playing sport which will only increase obesity levels. As part of the Shire’s municipal public health and wellbeing action plan the strategies include ‘Promote opportunities for people to be physically active in the community’ and ‘Enhance the built environment and council assets to enable people to be physically active’, charging fees to use community sports facilities goes against both these strategies. I hope you will reconsider these fees and charges. Kind regards, Jessica Cios link

    Dear Councillors, Charging to use sports facilities will have a significant impact on community sports clubs. The cost of living is already rapidly rising, families are struggling to pay for food and housing. If sports clubs have to pay extra charges, the cost will be passed on to families, many will not be able to afford the extra costs. Mansfield already has a high proportion of pre-obese or obese adults compared to the Victorian average. If fees go up many families will have to stop their children from playing sport which will only increase obesity levels. As part of the Shire’s municipal public health and wellbeing action plan the strategies include ‘Promote opportunities for people to be physically active in the community’ and ‘Enhance the built environment and council assets to enable people to be physically active’, charging fees to use community sports facilities goes against both these strategies. I hope you will reconsider these fees and charges. Kind regards, Jessica Cios

    JessicaC asked over 1 year ago

    The proposed new 2023-24 fees and charges for recreation reserves apply to the ad hoc community use of the facilities listed, and are not additional charges for user groups with existing agreements with Council. These new ad hoc fees aim to ensure fair and equitable access to these facilities.

    Sporting clubs using the recreation reserves already have existing agreements (and fees) in place for the ongoing hire of Council facilities, which are separate from the fees and charges proposed for ad hoc community use in the Proposed 2023-24 Budget.

    For sporting clubs and community groups that are not covered by existing agreements, Mansfield Shire Council is happy to work with the clubs or groups involved to prepare new lease or license agreements and encourages these groups to reach out to Council to discuss their group’s specific requirements.

    We value the community’s feedback and involvement in the Budget process. Your input is essential as we work towards creating fair and equitable arrangements for all community users of these Council maintained and managed facilities.

    If you have any further questions or require clarification regarding the proposed fees and charges, please contact Council on 5775 8555. We are here to address your concerns and provide any additional information you may need and look forward to hearing from you.

  • Share All credit to your roads team this past year but will there be any budget for any slight improvements to the unsealed section of Kidston Pde? Since the connection was completed on the new estates the road has continued to degrade despite recent efforts. on Facebook Share All credit to your roads team this past year but will there be any budget for any slight improvements to the unsealed section of Kidston Pde? Since the connection was completed on the new estates the road has continued to degrade despite recent efforts. on Twitter Share All credit to your roads team this past year but will there be any budget for any slight improvements to the unsealed section of Kidston Pde? Since the connection was completed on the new estates the road has continued to degrade despite recent efforts. on Linkedin Email All credit to your roads team this past year but will there be any budget for any slight improvements to the unsealed section of Kidston Pde? Since the connection was completed on the new estates the road has continued to degrade despite recent efforts. link

    All credit to your roads team this past year but will there be any budget for any slight improvements to the unsealed section of Kidston Pde? Since the connection was completed on the new estates the road has continued to degrade despite recent efforts.

    Hole asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for taking the time provide some great feedback on the work undertaken by our Road Maintenance team – this will be passed onto them and will be appreciated. This road maintenance work will continue in 2023-24, and the New Initiative included in the budget for additional Field Service resources will assist with maintaining unsealed roads (including Kidston Parade) in a safe and trafficable condition in accordance with Council’s Road Management Plan. There is no budget allocation in the 2023-24 Budget for upgrade of Kidston Parade to a sealed surface, however Council anticipates that development contributions will be used to upgrade this road in future years in conjunction with subdivision development in the area.

  • Share Hi. Is the pump track being built. Or just planning?, thanks on Facebook Share Hi. Is the pump track being built. Or just planning?, thanks on Twitter Share Hi. Is the pump track being built. Or just planning?, thanks on Linkedin Email Hi. Is the pump track being built. Or just planning?, thanks link

    Hi. Is the pump track being built. Or just planning?, thanks

    Fletch asked almost 2 years ago

    The pump track design will be completed in first instance, then funding sought for construction as opportunities arise through the year.

  • Share When will Howes Creek road have further asphalt laid? There is quite a lot of traffic using the road as well as it being a bus route. on Facebook Share When will Howes Creek road have further asphalt laid? There is quite a lot of traffic using the road as well as it being a bus route. on Twitter Share When will Howes Creek road have further asphalt laid? There is quite a lot of traffic using the road as well as it being a bus route. on Linkedin Email When will Howes Creek road have further asphalt laid? There is quite a lot of traffic using the road as well as it being a bus route. link

    When will Howes Creek road have further asphalt laid? There is quite a lot of traffic using the road as well as it being a bus route.

    David Colasante asked almost 2 years ago

    Council has allocated funding for resealing of priority sections of Howes Creek Road. The sections to be resealed are part of the existing sealed road. There are no further sealing works planned on this road for 2023-24 however the extension of the seal will be considered in future Capital Works planning.

  • Share Sorry if I've missed it, however, will any of this budget go towards the Jamieson-Licola Road over Mt. Skene? on Facebook Share Sorry if I've missed it, however, will any of this budget go towards the Jamieson-Licola Road over Mt. Skene? on Twitter Share Sorry if I've missed it, however, will any of this budget go towards the Jamieson-Licola Road over Mt. Skene? on Linkedin Email Sorry if I've missed it, however, will any of this budget go towards the Jamieson-Licola Road over Mt. Skene? link

    Sorry if I've missed it, however, will any of this budget go towards the Jamieson-Licola Road over Mt. Skene?

    Stephen-Nigel asked almost 2 years ago

    Our Field Services team are currently completing 34.5km of maintenance grading & drainage works on the Jamieson-Licola Road. These works will be completed prior to winter. The 2023-24 Capital Works program includes further improvement works with gravel resheeting planned for priority sections of the Jamieson-Licola Road.

  • Share Can the Merton Community expect under the Footpaths & Shared Path Strategy, that a safe pathway & entry from family residences in Merton Strathbogie Rd will be planned & constructed in this budget time frame? Can Merton expect to be included in the Cooler Towns-- Urban Tree Planting and Streetscapes planning? Is the planned upgrade to the Merton Public Toilets detailed somewhere for community access & input? on Facebook Share Can the Merton Community expect under the Footpaths & Shared Path Strategy, that a safe pathway & entry from family residences in Merton Strathbogie Rd will be planned & constructed in this budget time frame? Can Merton expect to be included in the Cooler Towns-- Urban Tree Planting and Streetscapes planning? Is the planned upgrade to the Merton Public Toilets detailed somewhere for community access & input? on Twitter Share Can the Merton Community expect under the Footpaths & Shared Path Strategy, that a safe pathway & entry from family residences in Merton Strathbogie Rd will be planned & constructed in this budget time frame? Can Merton expect to be included in the Cooler Towns-- Urban Tree Planting and Streetscapes planning? Is the planned upgrade to the Merton Public Toilets detailed somewhere for community access & input? on Linkedin Email Can the Merton Community expect under the Footpaths & Shared Path Strategy, that a safe pathway & entry from family residences in Merton Strathbogie Rd will be planned & constructed in this budget time frame? Can Merton expect to be included in the Cooler Towns-- Urban Tree Planting and Streetscapes planning? Is the planned upgrade to the Merton Public Toilets detailed somewhere for community access & input? link

    Can the Merton Community expect under the Footpaths & Shared Path Strategy, that a safe pathway & entry from family residences in Merton Strathbogie Rd will be planned & constructed in this budget time frame? Can Merton expect to be included in the Cooler Towns-- Urban Tree Planting and Streetscapes planning? Is the planned upgrade to the Merton Public Toilets detailed somewhere for community access & input?

    MargFitz asked over 1 year ago

    Although construction of a pathway on Merton-Strathbogie Road from Maroondah Highway to 30 Old Strathbogie Road as outlined in the Footpath and Shared Path Strategy 2022 is not included in the 2023-24 Budget, Council will look for opportunities to construct this path in the forward capital works planning. 

    The community feedback on the Cooler Towns – Urban Tree Planting project identified 3 locations requested for plantings in Merton and Council is proposing to undertake street tree planting on Shaws Road and other areas in discussion with the local community. Council officers will work with the Merton community to confirm their preferred locations with the aim to commence planting in July. 

    A budget of $63k has been allocated to the renewal of the public toilets in Merton – consultation will be undertaken with the community to confirm the design and scope of works for the project.

  • Share Will the Mansfield Shire Council be considering an introduction of an AirBNB Tax for rental properties like other regional areas in Vic and NSW. For example an annual registration fee and limits on availability time frames in the near future? on Facebook Share Will the Mansfield Shire Council be considering an introduction of an AirBNB Tax for rental properties like other regional areas in Vic and NSW. For example an annual registration fee and limits on availability time frames in the near future? on Twitter Share Will the Mansfield Shire Council be considering an introduction of an AirBNB Tax for rental properties like other regional areas in Vic and NSW. For example an annual registration fee and limits on availability time frames in the near future? on Linkedin Email Will the Mansfield Shire Council be considering an introduction of an AirBNB Tax for rental properties like other regional areas in Vic and NSW. For example an annual registration fee and limits on availability time frames in the near future? link

    Will the Mansfield Shire Council be considering an introduction of an AirBNB Tax for rental properties like other regional areas in Vic and NSW. For example an annual registration fee and limits on availability time frames in the near future?

    Angela asked almost 2 years ago

    Council has obtained information from other Shires in relation to steps they have taken in this regard. This will be further considered as part of our upcoming Local Laws review during 2023-24.