Commercial and Industrial Land Use Strategy
Consultation has concluded
The Commercial and Industrial Land Use Strategy has been progressed as a planning scheme amendment. The amendment has been split into 2 separate parts, with part 2 sent to an independent panel for consideration. Further information on the amendment may be found here
A new Industrial Land Development Strategy
A new Industrial Land Development Strategy presents us within an opportunity to understand how we might meet the future needs of industry, to help drive economic growth across the Shire.
The purpose of the strategy is to define Council’s vision for its commercial and industrial precincts. It seeks to encourage and facilitate investment and renewal by establishing a clear planning policy framework and identifying strategies and actions it can implement as a planning authority and local government agency.
The strategy will also provide Council with a better understanding of the importance that commercial and industrial uses will play in the long-term development and economic diversification of the shire.
The shortage of both vacant commercial space and vacant industrial land is cited as a major impediment to local economic growth.
The Commercial and Industrial Land Use Strategy will enable Mansfield Shire Council to:
- Identify an appropriately located land supply and retail hierarchy, which maintains the importance of the existing main street commercial area and the changing industrial land needs;
- Identify the economic, social and environmental characteristics of the shire and region as they relate to industrial and commercial development;
- Facilitate an investment environment that provides certainty and security to investors / developers, the community, Council and Government Agencies
- Consider the existing and future infrastructure requirements and availability in making recommendations about changes in land use;
- Allow existing businesses to expand that are restricted by the lack of industrial zoned land available;
- Increase employment from expanded and new business activity;
- Increase the diversity and depth of business activity;
- Increase the opportunity for a small number of larger existing manufactures to attract and support more locally based supply chain businesses.
Current Industrial Zoning
There are five distinct industrially zoned areas in Mansfield, being:
- Dead Horse Lane,
- Monkey Gully Road,
- Lakins Road,
- Sawmill site and
- Mt Buller Road.
If you have any questions about this amendment, please ask them below. Our team will endeavour to respond as soon as possible