Municipal Early Years Plan

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Mansfield Shire Council adopted the Municipal Early Years Plan at its Ordinary Council Meeting held Tuesday 25 June 2024. A copy of the adopted plan can be found at


Mansfield Shire Council is working on a Municipal Early Years Plan (MEYP) that fosters a whole-of-community, whole-of-system approach to building community strength and addressing the underlying causes for inequality and vulnerability of children and families. It is a place-based focus on prevention, equity, health, and long term social and educational outcomes for children and we are seeking community feedback.

You can review the Draft Municipal Early Years Plan on the right hand side of the page under Documents. If you require a physical copy please contact Council on 03 5775 8555 or email to request that a print copy be made available for collection.

Feedback will be accepted up to 12.00pm on Friday 14 June 2024.

The MEYP lays out our community’s vision and priorities for a child friendly community for every child in the Shire. The MEYP supports the delivery of local policies, programs and infrastructure that can influence the health, education and wellbeing of its younger population and their families. Council will deliver, partner, advocate for and provide leadership to ensure that Mansfield and our younger population and their families.

The plan is informed by engagement with children, parents, service providers and stakeholders in Mansfield who told us is important to them through consultation.

Council is committed to making informed decisions based on the best available evidence and community feedback and will work in partnership with our community to deliver our services, programs, and information.

Get Involved

Council values the input of the community in shaping our Municipal Early Years Plan and we encourage parents, service providers and stakeholders to participate in our engagement process by providing feedback on the Draft Plan. Your feedback will ensure the MEYP accurately reflects the community’s priorities and help us identify areas of concern that will shape the revised plan.

How to Participate

Share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions on the Draft Municipal Early Years Plan by providing feedback below.

Following community feedback, the MEYP will be presented to council for adoption in June or July 2024.

Mansfield Shire Council adopted the Municipal Early Years Plan at its Ordinary Council Meeting held Tuesday 25 June 2024. A copy of the adopted plan can be found at


Mansfield Shire Council is working on a Municipal Early Years Plan (MEYP) that fosters a whole-of-community, whole-of-system approach to building community strength and addressing the underlying causes for inequality and vulnerability of children and families. It is a place-based focus on prevention, equity, health, and long term social and educational outcomes for children and we are seeking community feedback.

You can review the Draft Municipal Early Years Plan on the right hand side of the page under Documents. If you require a physical copy please contact Council on 03 5775 8555 or email to request that a print copy be made available for collection.

Feedback will be accepted up to 12.00pm on Friday 14 June 2024.

The MEYP lays out our community’s vision and priorities for a child friendly community for every child in the Shire. The MEYP supports the delivery of local policies, programs and infrastructure that can influence the health, education and wellbeing of its younger population and their families. Council will deliver, partner, advocate for and provide leadership to ensure that Mansfield and our younger population and their families.

The plan is informed by engagement with children, parents, service providers and stakeholders in Mansfield who told us is important to them through consultation.

Council is committed to making informed decisions based on the best available evidence and community feedback and will work in partnership with our community to deliver our services, programs, and information.

Get Involved

Council values the input of the community in shaping our Municipal Early Years Plan and we encourage parents, service providers and stakeholders to participate in our engagement process by providing feedback on the Draft Plan. Your feedback will ensure the MEYP accurately reflects the community’s priorities and help us identify areas of concern that will shape the revised plan.

How to Participate

Share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions on the Draft Municipal Early Years Plan by providing feedback below.

Following community feedback, the MEYP will be presented to council for adoption in June or July 2024.