Who can apply

    Groups and organisations registered on the Australian Government Australian Business Registry as an Incorporated Association, State or Local Government Entity.  

    Groups or organisations auspiced by an Incorporated Association, State or Local Government Entity. 

    Multiple Groups within the same community

    Eligible Projects

    The project must: 

    Demonstrate ongoing community benefit 

    Take place in an outlying community within the Mansfield Shire (not within Mansfield township as per the Planning Scheme) 

    Deliver capital improvement to buildings, facilities, publicly accessible land managed/maintained for community benefit

    What we do not fund

     Appliances and/or non-permanent equipment 

    Projects that will require recurrent funding 

    Staff costs 

    Projects that have previously been funded by Council 

    Purchase of land or buildings 

    Payment to the applicant for time spent working on the project or planning the project 

    Maintenance works that are an organisation/club responsibility under tenancy or lease agreement 

    Projects which exclude access to the public or community groups 

    Ongoing administration/operational costs 

    Expenditure or financial commitments made before the grant has been awarded 

    Works that have already been started or completed 

    Projects located within the Mansfield township zone (as defined by the Planning Scheme)

    So, what do I do now?

    1. Check your eligibility against the criteria 

    2. Read the guidelines before completing your application 

    3. Option to discuss your proposal with a Council Officer: community.development@mansfield.vic.gov.au OR 03 5775 8592 

    4. Obtain quotes for all expenses for your proposal 

    5. Obtain letters of support and establish partnerships and links with other groups 

    6. Provide all supporting documentation to attach electronically to your submission, including photographs, quotes, financial statements and insurance 

    7. Submit your application online by the due date: 23 December 2021