Proposed Budget 2022-23 & Revised Revenue & Rating Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Mansfield Shire Council adopted the 2022/23 Budget and Revised Revenue & Rating Plan 2021-2025 at its Ordinary Council Meeting held Tuesday 28 June 2022. 

On Wednesday 17 May 2022, Council Adopted the Mansfield Planning Strategy. 

Community members are invited to consider the Proposed Budget 2022-23 and Council's revised Revenue & Rating Plan.  

The budget outlines what Council will deliver over the next 12 months including new initiatives and core services and how they will be funded.

The Revenue and Rating Plan sets out the system of rates and charges for the purposes of allocating the required funding across the municipality. It includes why Council has rate differentials in place for different property categories.

You can view the Proposed Budget 2022-23 and the Revenue & Rating Plan on the right hand side of this page under Budget Documents. If you require a physical copy of the documents, please contact Council by phone on 03 5775 8555 to request that a print copy be made available for collection. 

Submissions on each document will be accepted up to 5:00 pm on Thursday 26 May 2022.

Highlights of the Proposed Budget 2022-23 

The 2022-23 budget proposes a 1.75% rate increase, in line with the State Government Rate Cap with a total operating expenditure of almost $24 million and a capital works program of close to $11 million. 

The key features of the Proposed Budget 2022-23 are:

  • Construction of a new 100 vehicle carpark in High Street at a cost of $600,000 on the land Council recently purchased. Council proposes to borrow funds for this project.
  • $1.45 million to resolve long standing drainage issues, with $870,000 on the Apollo - High Street corner. 
  • Continuation of the Heavy Vehicle Alternate Route completing Stage 2 ($2.08 million).
  • Open space and streetscape improvements ($412,000).
  • Path and cycleways ($421,000) including construction a new footpath on Malcolm Street between Kidston Pde and Ultimo Street.
  • Station Precinct Master Plan – New Heritage Museum Building ($1.28 million).

New Initiatives

In addition to the planned delivery of services, Council will invest $242,000 in new service initiatives to support our growing community as follows: 

  • Another year of the Outlying Communities Infrastructure Fund Grant, with $50,000 providing opportunities for our outlying community groups to apply for funds to improve community infrastructure. 
  • Two new permanent full time positions in field services - 1 in Parks & Gardens and another in our Road Maintenance Team. Population growth and new subdivisions mean more open spaces and roads to maintain.
  • $10,000 for Environment Services - $5,000 for additional tree planting across the Shire and $5,000 for community education programs 
  • Flood Mapping for the Mansfield Township. Project cost $115,000 ($90,000 externally funded, $25,000 Council funded).
  • A permanent part time position for planning and advocacy in aged care, youth services and early years 
  • Implementation of the Onsite Wastewater Management Plan.

Waste Charge 2022-23

The proposed budget an increase to the waste charge for households for 2022-23.

Councils charge fees to recover the cost of the waste service provided to residents. The average ratepayer currently pays about $330 and will pay approximately $495. 

The proposed cost is comparable to waste service charges at neighbouring councils, which are in excess of $500 per year. 

Over the past few years the cost of waste services has been increasing, particularly landfill and EPA costs. Landfill costs increase each year well above CPI and the EPA levy went up 60% between 2020 and 2021. It is expected to increase again next financial year. In addition, Council has not recovered enough over the last three years to cover the true cost of delivering waste services and the waste reserve is in deficit.

All of this together with requiring additional staffing at the Resource Recovery Centre to meet the needs of our growing community means that Council is proposing to increase the waste charge next financial year.

Revised Revenue & Rating Plan 

The Revenue & Rating Plan is a four year plan developed during the first year of the current Council's term. The Plan establishes the revenue raising framework within which Council proposes to operate. Strategies outlined in the Plan will feed into the Budget and long term financial planning documents, as well as other strategic planning documents under Council’s strategic planning framework. Each year, Council is required to develop a four-year budget that outlines the expected income and expenditure required to deliver services and infrastructure over that period.

The Plan outlines Council’s primary revenue streams including:

Rates and Charges

  1. General rates
  2. Rating differentials
  3. Valuation basis
  4. Municipal charge
  5. Service charges
  6. Special charge schemes
  7. Financial hardship

Other Revenue

  1. User fees and charges
  2. Statutory fees
  3. Grants
  4. Contributions
  5. Investment income

How You Can Be Involved

Community Forums

Mansfield Shire residents and ratepayers are invited to attend community budget information sessions to be facilitated by Councillors and senior officers regarding the Proposed Budget 2022-23 and revised Revenue & Rating Plan.

Mansfield: Council Chambers - 33 Highett Street, Mansfield
Tuesday 10 May 2022, 5:30pm
Melbourne: Box Hill Town Hall – 1022 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill
Wednesday 11 May 2022, 6:30pm

Ask a Question

You can ask a question about the Proposed Budget and revised Revenue & Rating Plan at the bottom of this page. Council will endeavour to answer questions each day during the working week.

The opportunity to ask a question will close at 5:00pm on 26 May 2022.

*Note that questions are not "submissions" and will not be presented to Council for consideration.


Ratepayers and members of the community are welcomed to make a submission to the Proposed Budget 2022-23 and/or revised Revenue & Rating Plan.

Submissions can be made via the Make a Submission tab at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, submissions can be delivered by either of the following methods:

  • Email:
  • Post: Private Bag 1000, Mansfield VIC 3724

Submissions delivered by email or post must be clearly identified as such and made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Kaylene Conrick. 

All written submissions are public documents and will form part of a public report to Council. A meeting of a Special Committee of Council formed to hear submissions will be held on Tuesday 7 June 2022. All Councillors are on the Special Committee. All submitters have a right to speak to their submission (ie. make a verbal deputation).

If you wish to speak to your submission, or nominate someone else to do this on your behalf, you must request this in writing as part of your submission.

All submissions must be received by Council no later than 5:00pm Thursday 26 May 2022.  Council is not obliged to consider any submissions received after this time.

What Happens Next?

The opportunity to ask a question or make a submission will close at 5:00pm on 26 May 2022. 

A Special Committee of Council will consider all submissions at a meeting scheduled for 7 June 2022. At this meeting community members who requested the opportunity to speak to their submission will be heard.

Council will deliver and adopt the final Budget 2022-23 and Revenue & Rating Plan at the Council Meeting scheduled for 28 June 2022.

Mansfield Shire Council adopted the 2022/23 Budget and Revised Revenue & Rating Plan 2021-2025 at its Ordinary Council Meeting held Tuesday 28 June 2022. 

On Wednesday 17 May 2022, Council Adopted the Mansfield Planning Strategy. 

Community members are invited to consider the Proposed Budget 2022-23 and Council's revised Revenue & Rating Plan.  

The budget outlines what Council will deliver over the next 12 months including new initiatives and core services and how they will be funded.

The Revenue and Rating Plan sets out the system of rates and charges for the purposes of allocating the required funding across the municipality. It includes why Council has rate differentials in place for different property categories.

You can view the Proposed Budget 2022-23 and the Revenue & Rating Plan on the right hand side of this page under Budget Documents. If you require a physical copy of the documents, please contact Council by phone on 03 5775 8555 to request that a print copy be made available for collection. 

Submissions on each document will be accepted up to 5:00 pm on Thursday 26 May 2022.

Highlights of the Proposed Budget 2022-23 

The 2022-23 budget proposes a 1.75% rate increase, in line with the State Government Rate Cap with a total operating expenditure of almost $24 million and a capital works program of close to $11 million. 

The key features of the Proposed Budget 2022-23 are:

  • Construction of a new 100 vehicle carpark in High Street at a cost of $600,000 on the land Council recently purchased. Council proposes to borrow funds for this project.
  • $1.45 million to resolve long standing drainage issues, with $870,000 on the Apollo - High Street corner. 
  • Continuation of the Heavy Vehicle Alternate Route completing Stage 2 ($2.08 million).
  • Open space and streetscape improvements ($412,000).
  • Path and cycleways ($421,000) including construction a new footpath on Malcolm Street between Kidston Pde and Ultimo Street.
  • Station Precinct Master Plan – New Heritage Museum Building ($1.28 million).

New Initiatives

In addition to the planned delivery of services, Council will invest $242,000 in new service initiatives to support our growing community as follows: 

  • Another year of the Outlying Communities Infrastructure Fund Grant, with $50,000 providing opportunities for our outlying community groups to apply for funds to improve community infrastructure. 
  • Two new permanent full time positions in field services - 1 in Parks & Gardens and another in our Road Maintenance Team. Population growth and new subdivisions mean more open spaces and roads to maintain.
  • $10,000 for Environment Services - $5,000 for additional tree planting across the Shire and $5,000 for community education programs 
  • Flood Mapping for the Mansfield Township. Project cost $115,000 ($90,000 externally funded, $25,000 Council funded).
  • A permanent part time position for planning and advocacy in aged care, youth services and early years 
  • Implementation of the Onsite Wastewater Management Plan.

Waste Charge 2022-23

The proposed budget an increase to the waste charge for households for 2022-23.

Councils charge fees to recover the cost of the waste service provided to residents. The average ratepayer currently pays about $330 and will pay approximately $495. 

The proposed cost is comparable to waste service charges at neighbouring councils, which are in excess of $500 per year. 

Over the past few years the cost of waste services has been increasing, particularly landfill and EPA costs. Landfill costs increase each year well above CPI and the EPA levy went up 60% between 2020 and 2021. It is expected to increase again next financial year. In addition, Council has not recovered enough over the last three years to cover the true cost of delivering waste services and the waste reserve is in deficit.

All of this together with requiring additional staffing at the Resource Recovery Centre to meet the needs of our growing community means that Council is proposing to increase the waste charge next financial year.

Revised Revenue & Rating Plan 

The Revenue & Rating Plan is a four year plan developed during the first year of the current Council's term. The Plan establishes the revenue raising framework within which Council proposes to operate. Strategies outlined in the Plan will feed into the Budget and long term financial planning documents, as well as other strategic planning documents under Council’s strategic planning framework. Each year, Council is required to develop a four-year budget that outlines the expected income and expenditure required to deliver services and infrastructure over that period.

The Plan outlines Council’s primary revenue streams including:

Rates and Charges

  1. General rates
  2. Rating differentials
  3. Valuation basis
  4. Municipal charge
  5. Service charges
  6. Special charge schemes
  7. Financial hardship

Other Revenue

  1. User fees and charges
  2. Statutory fees
  3. Grants
  4. Contributions
  5. Investment income

How You Can Be Involved

Community Forums

Mansfield Shire residents and ratepayers are invited to attend community budget information sessions to be facilitated by Councillors and senior officers regarding the Proposed Budget 2022-23 and revised Revenue & Rating Plan.

Mansfield: Council Chambers - 33 Highett Street, Mansfield
Tuesday 10 May 2022, 5:30pm
Melbourne: Box Hill Town Hall – 1022 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill
Wednesday 11 May 2022, 6:30pm

Ask a Question

You can ask a question about the Proposed Budget and revised Revenue & Rating Plan at the bottom of this page. Council will endeavour to answer questions each day during the working week.

The opportunity to ask a question will close at 5:00pm on 26 May 2022.

*Note that questions are not "submissions" and will not be presented to Council for consideration.


Ratepayers and members of the community are welcomed to make a submission to the Proposed Budget 2022-23 and/or revised Revenue & Rating Plan.

Submissions can be made via the Make a Submission tab at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, submissions can be delivered by either of the following methods:

  • Email:
  • Post: Private Bag 1000, Mansfield VIC 3724

Submissions delivered by email or post must be clearly identified as such and made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Kaylene Conrick. 

All written submissions are public documents and will form part of a public report to Council. A meeting of a Special Committee of Council formed to hear submissions will be held on Tuesday 7 June 2022. All Councillors are on the Special Committee. All submitters have a right to speak to their submission (ie. make a verbal deputation).

If you wish to speak to your submission, or nominate someone else to do this on your behalf, you must request this in writing as part of your submission.

All submissions must be received by Council no later than 5:00pm Thursday 26 May 2022.  Council is not obliged to consider any submissions received after this time.

What Happens Next?

The opportunity to ask a question or make a submission will close at 5:00pm on 26 May 2022. 

A Special Committee of Council will consider all submissions at a meeting scheduled for 7 June 2022. At this meeting community members who requested the opportunity to speak to their submission will be heard.

Council will deliver and adopt the final Budget 2022-23 and Revenue & Rating Plan at the Council Meeting scheduled for 28 June 2022.

Consultation has concluded
  • You can submit as many questions as you like
  • We will endeavour to respond to your question provided:
    • it is a question that relates to the proposed Budget 2022-23, or the revised Revenue & Rating Plan, and;
    • it is a question that we can reasonably be expected to provide the answer to.
  • If your question has already been asked and answered, we may direct you to the relevant question in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of Engage Mansfield portal.
  • Your question may be published on the website via the portal and in a weekly summary on Council's Facebook page.  If published, your question will not include any identifying elements or personal details you may have included;  it will be a generic version of your question.
  • A "question" is not a "submission".  In addition to questions during the exhibition period, we also welcome formal submissions to the Budget.  A formal submission can be made in support or opposition of anything in relation to the Budget.  Please hit the "Make a Submission" button on the Engage Mansfield portal.

Thank you for participating in the 2022-23 Budget process.

  • Share The Sport and Recreation master plan of 2018 identified a new community facility with changerooms at Lords Reserve as priority number 2. What provisions have been made in this proposed budget for that project please? on Facebook Share The Sport and Recreation master plan of 2018 identified a new community facility with changerooms at Lords Reserve as priority number 2. What provisions have been made in this proposed budget for that project please? on Twitter Share The Sport and Recreation master plan of 2018 identified a new community facility with changerooms at Lords Reserve as priority number 2. What provisions have been made in this proposed budget for that project please? on Linkedin Email The Sport and Recreation master plan of 2018 identified a new community facility with changerooms at Lords Reserve as priority number 2. What provisions have been made in this proposed budget for that project please? link

    The Sport and Recreation master plan of 2018 identified a new community facility with changerooms at Lords Reserve as priority number 2. What provisions have been made in this proposed budget for that project please?

    Pierre asked almost 3 years ago

    The project remains a high priority for Council. The preparation of an updated design for the Lords Reserve Community Hub, in close consultation with stakeholders, has been included in the 2022/23 Budget, to better position Council to access grant funding for the project in future.

  • Share Thanks for the response re toilet block in new car park. I trust the existing amenities will be well signed to enable tourist s & new residents to access easily on Facebook Share Thanks for the response re toilet block in new car park. I trust the existing amenities will be well signed to enable tourist s & new residents to access easily on Twitter Share Thanks for the response re toilet block in new car park. I trust the existing amenities will be well signed to enable tourist s & new residents to access easily on Linkedin Email Thanks for the response re toilet block in new car park. I trust the existing amenities will be well signed to enable tourist s & new residents to access easily link

    Thanks for the response re toilet block in new car park. I trust the existing amenities will be well signed to enable tourist s & new residents to access easily

    Helen Jamison asked almost 3 years ago

    The existing amenities are well signed and easily accessible.

  • Share Is a toilet block part of the new car park off high st Mansfield? on Facebook Share Is a toilet block part of the new car park off high st Mansfield? on Twitter Share Is a toilet block part of the new car park off high st Mansfield? on Linkedin Email Is a toilet block part of the new car park off high st Mansfield? link

    Is a toilet block part of the new car park off high st Mansfield?

    Helen Jamison asked almost 3 years ago

    No. The toilet block at the large roundabout on High Street has recently been refurbished by Council.  The proposed budget does include a toilet block refurbishment at the Mansfield Recreation Reserve in the playground area near Highett Street.

  • Share Where is the plan for recreational infrastructure? I have just moved to town an was astounded that we don’t have a year round aquatic facility and even a pump track! We have so many bikes passing through to Mt Buller as well as our youth needing greater healthy outdoor recreational activities. This would also apply for a indoor aquatic facility where kids can learn to swim in town, youth have indoor physical activities during the cooler months. I was hoping we were a little further advance in our development. Can you advise what is the plan to becoming a progressive community that attracts families and business? on Facebook Share Where is the plan for recreational infrastructure? I have just moved to town an was astounded that we don’t have a year round aquatic facility and even a pump track! We have so many bikes passing through to Mt Buller as well as our youth needing greater healthy outdoor recreational activities. This would also apply for a indoor aquatic facility where kids can learn to swim in town, youth have indoor physical activities during the cooler months. I was hoping we were a little further advance in our development. Can you advise what is the plan to becoming a progressive community that attracts families and business? on Twitter Share Where is the plan for recreational infrastructure? I have just moved to town an was astounded that we don’t have a year round aquatic facility and even a pump track! We have so many bikes passing through to Mt Buller as well as our youth needing greater healthy outdoor recreational activities. This would also apply for a indoor aquatic facility where kids can learn to swim in town, youth have indoor physical activities during the cooler months. I was hoping we were a little further advance in our development. Can you advise what is the plan to becoming a progressive community that attracts families and business? on Linkedin Email Where is the plan for recreational infrastructure? I have just moved to town an was astounded that we don’t have a year round aquatic facility and even a pump track! We have so many bikes passing through to Mt Buller as well as our youth needing greater healthy outdoor recreational activities. This would also apply for a indoor aquatic facility where kids can learn to swim in town, youth have indoor physical activities during the cooler months. I was hoping we were a little further advance in our development. Can you advise what is the plan to becoming a progressive community that attracts families and business? link

    Where is the plan for recreational infrastructure? I have just moved to town an was astounded that we don’t have a year round aquatic facility and even a pump track! We have so many bikes passing through to Mt Buller as well as our youth needing greater healthy outdoor recreational activities. This would also apply for a indoor aquatic facility where kids can learn to swim in town, youth have indoor physical activities during the cooler months. I was hoping we were a little further advance in our development. Can you advise what is the plan to becoming a progressive community that attracts families and business?

    Nadia asked almost 3 years ago

    Council understands the importance of good recreation and sporting facilities and the role these play in the liveability of our area and the attraction and retention of families. In 2018 Council adopted a Mansfield Shire Sports Facilities Strategy which outlines sport and recreation priorities.  Over the past few years Council has focused on the #1 priority to construct new indoor basketball facilities which resulted in the new joint use Dual Court Stadium located at the Mansfield Secondary College.             

    Council is currently supporting the Year Round Aquatic Facility (YAFM) community group to explore the need for an indoor aquatic facility. This is a long standing issue and one that has been looked at various times over the last 20 years. YAFM has recently engaged consultants to undertake the Needs Analysis.

    A pump track is planned for the Station Precinct.  This along with other planned infrastructure for this precinct can be viewed in Council’s Station Precinct Master Plan at