Waste Management Strategy 2020-2025

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Consultation has concluded

Mansfield Shire Council is committed to pursuing avenues for safe, cost effective and environmentally friendly ways of managing waste and improving services offered to the community. The waste management and recycling sector is changing quickly so our Council is looking to develop a Waste Management Strategy to guide its operations over the next five years.

We started seeking your suggestions for the Waste Management Strategy in March 2020. Council heard your ideas and suggestions from the March workshops and as a result, is now pleased to invite you to provide feedback on the newly released draft Waste Management Strategy document.

After this, Council will review all feedback before finalising the strategy for endorsement by Council.


As part of your feedback Council would like to know;

1. What are your thoughts on the vision for waste management in Mansfield? The vision is "We are responsible for the waste we create. We reduce, re-use or recycle our waste wherever possible and sustainably manage any residual waste. We aim to manage all our waste within the Shire"

2. Do you feel the goals in the strategy are suitable?

3. Are the actions appropriate to tackle the challenges we're trying to address?


Council would like to receive your feedback on the Draft Waste Management Strategy - Public comment phase extended until 13 July, 2020

Mansfield Shire Council is committed to pursuing avenues for safe, cost effective and environmentally friendly ways of managing waste and improving services offered to the community. The waste management and recycling sector is changing quickly so our Council is looking to develop a Waste Management Strategy to guide its operations over the next five years.

We started seeking your suggestions for the Waste Management Strategy in March 2020. Council heard your ideas and suggestions from the March workshops and as a result, is now pleased to invite you to provide feedback on the newly released draft Waste Management Strategy document.

After this, Council will review all feedback before finalising the strategy for endorsement by Council.


As part of your feedback Council would like to know;

1. What are your thoughts on the vision for waste management in Mansfield? The vision is "We are responsible for the waste we create. We reduce, re-use or recycle our waste wherever possible and sustainably manage any residual waste. We aim to manage all our waste within the Shire"

2. Do you feel the goals in the strategy are suitable?

3. Are the actions appropriate to tackle the challenges we're trying to address?


Council would like to receive your feedback on the Draft Waste Management Strategy - Public comment phase extended until 13 July, 2020

Your Feedback

Mansfield Shire would like to hear your thoughts on the DRAFT Waste Management Strategy

Consultation has concluded
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The Mansfield Community Action Group is happy to provide further background to this.

1) Consider areas that could create jobs, reduce waste and build local confidence in our waste stream (soft plastics and green waste)

2) Look at other areas that could be developed from other regions. Vendor waste machines - incorporating aluminium and glass, offsetting cost of 'drop bins' from tourists (user pays system)

3) Overall waste footprint. Considering what are the areas that the Council and community could see long term benefits to reduce cost, waste and environmental footprint.

Eat Local Eat Wild almost 4 years ago

Green waste, mulching services and shire composting / worm farming services are long over due in the Mansfield Shire.
Promotion and education to gain momentum within the community towards more mindful consumer habits, recycling, local production and sustainable living should be at the forefront of waste management.
Other Shires will not pick up bins if the rubbish has not been sorted properly by the residents. Mansfield needs to be active and give clear boundaries in how waste is managed at a residential level.
Recycling should be picked up EVERY week and the landfill every second week to encourage more efficient bin management.
Agricultural waste needs to be addressed and services made accessible to farmers, ie recycling bailing twine and plastic silage wrap.

Jimmy C about 4 years ago

Will the waste management include green or garden waste with a separate bin

Peter G about 4 years ago

Regarding the Shire’s aim of sustainability and stated goals of managing all waste, the one area where very little is done is GREEN WASTE.
Some time back the Council opened up the Depot for residents to deposit all manner of green waste collected over the past year. In a cost saving exercise this service was withdrawn.
I have no knowledge of how residents dispose of their green waste now.
For people without a trailer (or even a car), the only way is to fill the red bin. Not everyone has, or wants / needs a compost bin or worm farm.
The beautiful visuals Mansfield residents present is a credit to the town; the beauty is often remarked upon by visitors.
The state government promotes the need for recycling whilst maintaining the service should be expanded to further separate waste matters into the respective bins. It only requires a small item to be in the incorrect bin for the entire bin to go directly to landfill.
Other states have Recycle Stores adjoining the “tip”, Er, recycle centre where councils can make some money.
What is required to inspire the Council to see beyond the immediate look of the balance sheet and set in motion a “green bin” for fortnightly collection from those who are prepared to pay for the extra service?
There are many opportunities for Council to have Mansfield as the most attractive small town in the State. Education does take time. Separating various items into the respective bins may take time however I believe all Mansfield residents are justifiably proud of our town and any improvement would be given a fair go.
So GREEN BINS for every household would be a very welcome addition to maintain the great attitude of caring for the town.

ZAC over 4 years ago

If "We" and "Our" in the vision statement is inteneded to indicate Mansfield shire residents and ratepayers the statement appears to ignore tourist generated waste. Perhaps... "We aim to manage all waste within the Shire."

FOGO collection should have a higher priority than year 5. Possibly begin collecting from those who are unable to run a compost system or worm farm such as residents of units, old age and disability pensioners. There would need to be a charge for this.
Remove/reduce the charge for green waste at the RRC and make up the cost shortfall from sales of composted material.
Install a chipper at RRC (or contract with local tree removal companies) Process green waste then separate into compostable material and wood chips.
Education should include a weekly featured item from the TIP Shop, and a video showing where recycled materials are processed and remanufactured.
Under strategic partnerships I would add that Mansfield shire should be instrumental in featuring companies that develop recycled products. The goal would be to increase demand for products made from recycled material which can justifiably claim a portion came from Mansfield (via JJ Richards). Perhaps even running an "expo" type event or providing companies with exposure via a weekly main street exposure site featuring their product. Consider a rewards program for businesses within the shire that begin to use recycled products.
Goals and actions in general are sound and worth working towards.

Keith over 4 years ago