Special Rates and Charges Policy

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When considering infrastructure related projects, a Special Charge Scheme will be considered by Council in circumstances where there is an upgrade or an expansion to infrastructure required and a demonstrated willingness from property owners to make a financial contribution.

Council's Special Rates and Charges Policy establishes a strategic framework for the raising this contribution from property owners who are likely to receive special benefit from infrastructure improvements in a fair, equitable, consultative and consistent manner.

When considering infrastructure related projects, a Special Charge Scheme will be considered by Council in circumstances where there is an upgrade or an expansion to infrastructure required and a demonstrated willingness from property owners to make a financial contribution.

Council's Special Rates and Charges Policy establishes a strategic framework for the raising this contribution from property owners who are likely to receive special benefit from infrastructure improvements in a fair, equitable, consultative and consistent manner.


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Jessmaniatakis 6 days ago
Page last updated: 17 Feb 2025, 10:20 PM