Volunteers Policy

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Consultation has concluded

Volunteers and voluntary groups are an invaluable resource to our Shire's community making a significant contribution to the political, social, economic, environmental and cultural fabric of the local community.

Our Volunteer Policy:

  • provides strategic direction to develop and support voluntary activity within Council, which reflects the unique needs of the Mansfield Shire community;
  • provides a consistent and standardised approach to the way in which volunteers are recruited, managed and supported in their roles and work practices at Council;
  • recognises and formalise the commitment of Council and the role of volunteers within Council; and
  • ensures Council continually strives to meet the minimum requirements of the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement (2015).

Council's 2024-25 Budget includes a new initiative to expand the volunteer program with a new volunteer officer role to increase volunteer opportunities and to attract, induct and on-board new volunteers.

Volunteers and voluntary groups are an invaluable resource to our Shire's community making a significant contribution to the political, social, economic, environmental and cultural fabric of the local community.

Our Volunteer Policy:

  • provides strategic direction to develop and support voluntary activity within Council, which reflects the unique needs of the Mansfield Shire community;
  • provides a consistent and standardised approach to the way in which volunteers are recruited, managed and supported in their roles and work practices at Council;
  • recognises and formalise the commitment of Council and the role of volunteers within Council; and
  • ensures Council continually strives to meet the minimum requirements of the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement (2015).

Council's 2024-25 Budget includes a new initiative to expand the volunteer program with a new volunteer officer role to increase volunteer opportunities and to attract, induct and on-board new volunteers.


Please provide feedback on the DRAFT Volunteers Policy.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: Community consultation has concluded.